Wanda Maximoff

The Queen of Chaos

welcome to my carrd ! here you can access basic info about my anon and my portrayal . please feel free to interact , i have linked my wattpad both on the " wattpad " button above and the icon at the bottom . thanks for reading !


born to django and marya maximoff , wanda was a wonderful , caring child . she grew up keeping her twin , pietro , out of trouble . the two of them did everything together . until the bombings occurred .

now orphaned , the twins spent their days roaming the streets , begging for and stealing food whenever they could . they rioted with other displaced citizens , against the very man who had stolen their parents from them -- tony stark .

these riots were soon noticed by none other than the terrorist organization called hydra , who quickly began manipulating them , convincing them that hydra could help take tony and the other avengers down . they could give the people the power they needed to get their vengeance . the twins immediately jumped at the chance , and volunteered to become experiments . wanda was incredibly nervous , but pietro had been the one to convince her , having fully believed these wouldn't be too bad . oh , how he was dead wrong .

four years of horrible , painful experiments occurred , leaving the twins in such unbearable pain that they could hardly even handle it . they were tortured , exposed , hurt , and more . and in the end . . they were no longer the beings they had believed themselves to be .

the experiments had unlocked their true mutant abilities , giving them powers beyond their wildest dreams . pietro could run faster than the speed of light , and thus had enhanced durability and homeostasis . wanda on the other hand . . wanda was given the ability to tap into the chaos dimension at will , granting her magical powers , including but not limited to : telepathy , telekinesis , hypnosis , flight , force field generation , hexes , and energy manipulation .

the base they resided in was attacked , and the twins managed to escape , where they ran into ultron , a being made of metal and artificial intelligence . he needed their help to kill tony stark , which they readily agreed to -- until they discovered his true plans to wipe out a big part of the world's population .

they joined the avengers to take down ultron , and managed to do so . . for a price . pietro ended up sacrificing himself to save the life of hawkeye and a small sokovian boy . this absolutely broke wanda , leaving her completely and totally alone . the scarlet witch joined the avengers in his honor and attempted to help out on missions , but when one mission in lagos goes very wrong and ends in multiple deaths at the fault of wanda , she finds herself feeling guiltier than ever before .

she ends up being on house arrest , both for the lagos incident and for her refusal to sign the sokovia accords . when the avengers are thus pitted against each other , wanda takes the side of steve , believing the avengers should be allowed their freedom . however , she ends up locked up among the others , even put in a straitjacket and given a shock collar .

when the looming threat of the mad titan thanos finally comes into play , wanda ends up being disintegrated among with half the population . when she returns to help in the final fight , she is a big help in weakening thanos , able to take him one - on one and nearly kill him ( only stopped by him forcing his men to rain fire ) . she helps clint barton mourn the death of natasha romanoff , as well as come to terms with the fact that the man who had sold the weapons that killed her parents , not long after she had forgiven him , had died a hero .

the following years after the death of tony stark , wanda helped rebuild the avengers into a new generation , being a partial member . however , her mental health was on the decline , both from the loss of everyone she cared about and from being treated like an animal and locked up for a good portion of her life . and this is where our story begins -- the witch's road to insanity .

Additional Info


this portrayal of wanda will be a mixture of comics and mcu . basically , imagine mcu wanda with comics wanda's personality ( motherly , mentally unstable , badass ) . there aren't many differences , though i did add the element of her being schizophrenic ( she canonically suffers from multiple psychotic breaks but was never diagnosed with such ) . she hears voices and suffers from visual hallucinations . her mental health is on the decline , and she is becoming more and more mentally unstable .

Trigger Warnings

this account will have mentions of mental health , namely schizophrenia and depression . there may be mentions of self harm or self - destructive tendencies , and suicidal ideation . please interact at your own risk , you have been warned .

Admin Info

my name is ares , and i'm 17 years old . i've stanned wanda since her first mcu appearance in age of ultron in 2014 . i do have my nitpicks with lizzie's portrayal , which is why mine is different . ( i do love lizzie though . )

i've been on wattpad for around six years now , so i consider myself a veteran . i highly enjoy roleplaying and have certainly improved over the years . i've been many characters , from wanda , to steve rogers , to christian ozera from vampire academy , to even silvermist from tinkerbell . i did leave for a period of time , but i doubt i'll ever end up leaving for good .

i'm always willing to make friends , so please never be afraid to hit me up !

( i also use andy biersack as my faceclaim because i aspire to look like him and he's my husband but doesn't know it yet . )